Use this quick, 5-minute process to reboot your feelings about your body no matter where you are, what you're doing, or what size you are!

Step 1: Mirror Work

Take a page from Ashley Graham's playbook! In her TED Talk, she shared this script for body-lovin' mirror work:

"You are bold, you are brilliant, and you are beautiful. There is no other woman like you. You are capable.

Back fat, I see you popping over my bra today, but that’s alright. I’m going to choose to love you.

And thick thighs, you are just so sexy, you can’t stop rubbing each other. That’s alright. I’m going to keep you.

And cellulite, I have not forgotten about you. I’m going to choose to love you even though you want to take over my whole bottom half, but you’re a part of me. I love you."

Go to the nearest mirror and say this to yourself, either out loud or in your head, for an instant body-lovin' boost!

Step 2:

Get up and moving! No matter where you are, there's probably a way that you can stand up and walk around in the space you're in. Or, you can take a quick walk around your yard, the building that you work in, whatever space you might be confined to.

On airplanes, I have been known to stand up and walk in place in the aisle when I start to feel gross and lethargic from too much sitting. Getting your body moving and your blood pumping will make you feel better about your body in a matter of seconds!

Step 3:

Drink a huge glass of water. When we're dehydrated we feel tired, our skin looks dull, and it may even cause headaches or other symptoms. Drinking a big glass of water is an instant body love booster that can turn your whole day around! So grab a glass and get chugging.

Have you attempted this 5-minute body-lovin' turnaround? How did it go? Leave a comment below to let me know! 
